Android Integration Guide
Environment Requirements
- Gradle version 6.1.1 or above, Android AGP plugin version 4.0.1 or above;
- Create an app as described in Getting Ready, configure app parameters and bind the API domain name
- Configure the package name and signature as described in TapSDK Quick Start
SDK Guide
SDK Integration
Open the project/app/build.gradle
file of your project and add the following gradle configuration:
dependencies {
// TapTapIAP dependency
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
SDK Initialization
The TapTapIAP module relies on the initialization of the TapTapSDK. For details, refer to TapSDK Integration.
import com.taptap.sdk.core.TapTapRegion;
import com.taptap.sdk.core.TapTapSdk;
import com.taptap.sdk.core.TapTapSdkOptions;
String clientId = "";
String clientToken = "";
// Enable the log. It's recommended to turn it on for Debug and off for Release, with it being off by default.
boolean enableLog = BuildConfig.DEBUG;
TapTapSdkOptions tapSdkOptions = new TapTapSdkOptions(
clientId, // clientId obtained from the developer platform
clientToken, // clientToken obtained from the developer platform
TapTapRegion.GLOBAL // Region: TapTapRegion.CN, TapTapRegion.GLOBAL
TapTapSdk.init(context, tapSdkOptions);
To create TapTapIAP
, use newBuilder()
, which will validate the permissions to use TapTapIAP
based on the ClientID
and ClientToken
set in SDK.init.
// Create TapTapIAP instance
TapTapIAP tapTapIAP = TapTapIAP.newBuilder().build();
Displaying Available Products for Purchase
After initializing TapTapIAP
, you can query available products and display them to users.
To query in-app product details, call queryProductDetailsAsync()
. You must also specify a listener implementing the ProductDetailsResponseListener
interface to handle the asynchronous operation results. You can override onProductDetailsResponse()
, which will notify the listener when the query is complete, as shown in the example below:
List<Product> queryProductList = new ArrayList<>();
// Support batch query of Product, set the corresponding ProductID and ProductType
// ProductType currently only supports ProductType.INAPP
for (int i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
String productId = products[i];
Product product = Product.newBuilder()
QueryProductDetailsParams params = QueryProductDetailsParams.newBuilder()
tapTapIAP.queryProductDetailsAsync(params, new ProductDetailsResponseListener() {
public void onProductDetailsResponse(TapPaymentResult result,
List<ProductDetails> productDetails, List<String> unavailableProductIds) {
// check TapPaymentResult
// process returned productDetails
Launching the Purchase Flow
To initiate a purchase request from your app, call the launchBillingFlow()
method from your app's main thread. This method accepts a reference to a BillingFlowParams
object, which contains the relevant ProductDetails
object obtained by calling queryProductDetailsAsync()
. To create a BillingFlowParams
object, use the BillingFlowParams.Builder
// An activity reference from which the billing flow will be launched.
Activity activity = ...;
ProductDetailsParams productDetailsParams =
// retrieve a value for "productDetails" by calling queryProductDetailsAsync()
BillingFlowParams billingFlowParams = BillingFlowParams.newBuilder()
.setObfuscatedAccountId("xxx") //Specifies an optional obfuscated string that is uniquely associated with the order(or another information) in your app.
// Launch the billing flow
TapPaymentResult result = tapTapIAP.launchBillingFlow(activity,
new PurchaseUpdatedListener() {
public void onPurchaseUpdated(TapPaymentResult result, Purchase purchases) {
// To be implemented in a later section.
The launchBillingFlow()
method returns one of several response codes listed in TapPaymentResponseCode
. Be sure to check this result to ensure no errors occurred when launching the purchase flow. A TapPaymentResponseCode
of OK
indicates a successful launch. After a successful call to launchBillingFlow()
, a checkout interface will be presented to the user.
Monitoring Order Status During the Purchase Flow
During the purchase flow, TapTapIAP
calls onPurchasesUpdated()
to deliver real-time purchase order status changes to the listener implementing the PurchasesUpdatedListener
interface. You can specify the listener using the setListener()
method during initialization. You must implement onPurchasesUpdated()
to handle possible response codes. Below is an example of onPurchasesUpdated()
public void onPurchaseUpdated(TapPaymentResult result, Purchase purchase) {
if (result.getResponseCode() == TapPaymentResponseCode.OK
&& purchases != null) {
} else if (result.getResponseCode() == TapPaymentResponseCode.USER_CANCELED) {
// Handle an error caused by a user cancelling the purchase flow.
} else {
// Handle any other error codes.
Granting Products and Completing Orders
After a user completes the purchase of any product, confirm that the corresponding product or level is granted to the user. After confirming product delivery, call finishPurchaseAsync
to inform TapTapIAP
that the product delivery is complete. Below is a code example:
Purchase purchase = ...;
FinishPurchaseParams params = FinishPurchaseParams.newBuilder()
.setId(purchase.getOrderId()) // Required
.setPurchaseToken(purchase.getPurchaseToken()) // Required
tapTapIAP.finishPurchaseAsync(params, new FinishPurchaseResponseListener() {
public void onFinishPurchaseResponse(TapPaymentResult result, Purchase purchase) {
Confirming product delivery is crucial. If you do not call finishPurchaseAsync
to complete the order, the user will not be able to repurchase the product, and the order will be automatically refunded after 3 days.
Retrieving Unfinished Orders
Using the PurchasesUpdatedListener
to monitor purchase transaction changes does not fully ensure that your app handles all purchase transactions. Sometimes, your app may be unaware of partial purchase transactions. In the following scenarios, your app may not track or know that a purchase transaction has occurred:
- Network Issues During Purchase: The user successfully purchased an item and received confirmation from the respective channel, but the user's device lost network connectivity before receiving purchase transaction notification via
. - Multiple Devices: The user purchased an item on one device and then expected to see the item when switching devices.
- Unexpected Crash: The app crashed when a purchase was successfully made externally.
To handle these situations, ensure that your app calls tapTapIAP.queryUnfinishedPurchaseAsync()
in the onResume()
method to ensure all purchase transactions are correctly processed.
Below is an example of how to extract the user's list of unfinished orders:
tapTapIAP.queryUnfinishedPurchaseAsync(new PurchasesResponseListener() {
public void onQueryPurchasesResponse(TapPaymentResult result, List<Purchase> purchases) {
if (purchases != null) {
// Process Purchases.
Handling TapPaymentResult Response Codes
When using the TapTapIAP
billing library to trigger actions, the library returns a TapPaymentResult
response to inform the developer of the result. For example, if you use queryProductDetailsAsync
and return OK
, providing the correct ProductDetails
object; or return another type, indicating why the ProductDetails
object could not be provided.
Not all types are errors. Here are some TapPaymentResponseCode
that are not errors:
: Indicates the operation was successfully executed.TapPaymentResponseCode.USER_CANCELED
: Indicates the user left the page without completing the flow.
Some other error types can be used for debugging and reporting:
Retryable CODE | Issue | Possible Solutions |
NETWORK_ERROR | This error indicates a problem with the network connection between the device and TapTapIAP | Use a simple retry strategy or exponential backoff algorithm |
ITEM_ALREADY_OWNED | This type indicates the user has already purchased a non-consumable item, resulting in this error when repurchasing | To avoid this issue, inform the user on the product interface that the item is already purchased and cannot be repurchased. |
USER_CANCELED | The user has exited the billing flow | |
ITEM_UNAVAILABLE | The item is invalid, possibly expired or removed from sale | Ensure you refresh product details with queryProductDetailsAsync . Do not display unavailable items to users. |
DEVELOPER_ERROR | This is a serious error indicating improper API usage. For example, providing incorrect parameters to launchBillingFlow may cause this error |