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Version: v3

Reference: leanengine.yaml

leanengine.yaml contains configurations for the server-side runtime environment. It uses YAML as syntax and should be placed in the root directory of the project.

Overriding Runtime Environment With runtime

You can override the environment that Cloud Engine automatically detects. You can use the following values:

  • cpp
  • dotnet
  • go
  • java
  • nodejs
  • php
  • python
  • static (Frontend)

Overriding Command for Execution With run

run: $(npm bin)/serve -c static.json -l ${LEANCLOUD_APP_PORT}

You can use shell syntax here for purposes like accessing environment variables.

Overriding Command for Installing Dependencies With install

You can override the default command for installing dependencies (like npm install) or run additional commands before or after installing dependencies. You can specify multiple commands with an array, use shell syntax, and access environment variables.

Most runtimes have their default commands for installing dependencies. You can refer to the default command with use: default:

- use: default
- npm run install-additional

When installing dependencies, only the dependency lists (like package.json) will be loaded into the build directory. To load additional files, use require:

- require:
- frontend/package.json
- frontend/package-lock.json
- cd frontend && npm ci

Overriding Command for Building With build

build: NODE_ENV=production $(npm bin)/webpack

As with install, you can import the default command with use: default. You can specify multiple pieces of commands with an array. You can also use shell syntax and access environment variables.

When building your project, all the files in your project will be loaded into the build directory.

Specifying System Dependencies With systemDependencies

To install additional system dependencies during deployment:

- imagemagick
  • ffmpeg A library for processing audio and videos.
  • imagemagick A library for processing images.
  • fonts-wqy 文泉驿点阵宋体 and 文泉驿微米黑. Often used with chrome-headless to display Chinese.
  • fonts-noto Source Han Sans (comes with a large size). Often used with chrome-headless to display Chinese.
  • phantomjs A headless browser based on WebKit (discontinued).
  • chrome-headless Headless Chrome. It comes with a large size and will significantly increase the time needed for deployment. It also consumes a lot of CPU and RAM resources. If you need to use puppeteer, please provide {executablePath: '/usr/bin/google-chrome', args: ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox']} to puppeteer.launch.
  • node-canvas The system dependency required for installing node-canvas (you still need to install node-canvas yourself).
  • python-talib The system dependency required for installing TA-Lib (you still need to install TA-Lib yourself).

Adding system dependencies will significantly increase the time needed for deployment. Please avoid adding dependencies that your project doesn’t need.

buildRoot 构建根目录


exposeEnvironmentsOnBuild 在构建阶段使用环境变量


exposeEnvironmentsOnBuild: true

云引擎运行环境默认提供的环境变量(以及 Node.js 环境变量 NODE_ENV)无法被自定义环境变量覆盖。

startupTimeout 启动超时

startupTimeout: 60

配置程序启动的超时时间,可设置 15 - 120 的值(秒)

functionsMode 云函数功能开关


functionsMode: strict

设置为 strict 表示需要使用云函数特性,如获取云函数信息失败则中断部署;设置为 disabled 表示不开启云函数相关功能。

Node.js installDevDependencies 安装开发依赖


已废弃,请使用 package-lock.json

installDevDependencies: true

安装 package.jsondevDependencies 部分的依赖。