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Version: v3

Frequently Asked Questions

TapTap login reports The requested scope (compliance) does not match any of the allowed scopes exception

Check if the Real-Name Authentication & Anti-Addiction SDK package has been imported but not initialized. If you don't need the Real-Name Authentication service, don't import the Real-Name Authentication package into your project.

TapTap For iOS login reports accessToken: sdk_not_matched exception

Check that the app has the bundle ID configured in the TapTap developer backend.

TapTap login throws signature not match exception

This exception is thrown if you have a TapTap login but have not configured a signature or have configured it incorrectly in the Developer Centre backend. Some developers may not be able to debug the exception and can verify it this way: If the TapTap client is uninstalled and the WebView authorisation pops up when testing the login function, but the test device has the TapTap client installed, it will not pull up the client authorisation, this is basically due to a signature configuration issue, please refer to documentation to complete the configuration.

TapTap login prompt Not in beta or not in beta, can't login to game exception prompt.

TapTap Developer Center > Store > Releases > Internal Testing Check to see if Internal Testing is enabled, and if so, make sure your current TapTap ID account has not been added as a test user.

TapTap login reports state not equal exception

Check if the system time of the current device is already synchronised with the network and if the TapTap client version of the current device is too low.

TapTap Login reported a `java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: CACHE_ELSE_NETWORK' exception

The TapSDK is already obfuscated because the Android project has enabled obfuscation, so you need to skip obfuscating the TapSDK. Please see Android Code Obfuscation for details. Please disable resource obfuscation if it is enabled in your project, shrinkResources false.

TapTap login reported {"code":36869,"error_description": "Unauthorised."} Exception

Check that the Client ID, Client Token and ServerURL parameters of the TapSDK initialisation are set correctly. Also use the HTTPS protocol for the ServerURL and refer to the documentation on domain.

TapTap Login reports chain validation failed exception

The following steps can be used to troubleshoot this issue:

  1. Check that the device is connected to the proxy and that the certificate is installed correctly.
  2. Check that the telephone system time has not been changed.

TapTap Login reports application id is empty exception

  1. Check that the initialisation operations of the TapSDK are being performed in the Android UI thread, i.e. the main thread;
  2. Ensure that TapSDK initialisation is complete, to avoid calling the TapTap login function immediately after TapSDK initialisation, it is recommended that TapSDK initialisation is done before.

Simple TapTap user authentication for Unity integration reports the following exception

Assembly 'Assets/TapTap/Common/Plugins/TapTap.Common.dll' will not be loaded due to errors:
Unable to resolve reference 'LC.Newtonsoft.Json'. Is the assembly missing or incompatible with the current platform?

The reason for this error is that the module has not been added to the project's Packages/manifest.json file when using TapSDK Unity v3.7.1 and above, see documentation to add it.

Login prompt: this application is not allowed for this domain

  1. Check that the TapTap login service is enabled in the developer backend application configuration;
  2. Check that the ClientId, ClientToken, ServerUrl (must start with https://) in the project initialisation code are consistent with the developer backend.

Can a developer get a player's mobile phone number after they have logged in using TapTap?

No. Mobile phone numbers are private player information and developers are not currently allowed to obtain mobile phone numbers from logged-in players.