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Burial Point Management

1. Overview

Burial Point Management is a data management function provided during data access testing and daily use, including 2 sub-modules "Buried point information" and "Reported details".

The buried point information page can view the data received in the project for the last 7 days. It is convenient to quickly understand the overall situation of buried site reporting, as well as error reporting information and sampling examples.

The report details page can view the report details of nearly 1000 buried points during the period when the "monitoring switch" is turned on, and view the buried point report log in real time to help users quickly test and accept the buried point development.

2. Applicable Roles and Uses

Buried point designers (data product managers / analysts)Testing and acceptance of new buried point requirements development report results, daily understanding of the overall operation of the buried point, timely detection of buried point errors.
Buried developers (front-end development / client-side development / test engineers)Real-time view buried logs, test buried results, and quickly locate errors in the buried development process (recommended to be enabled in testing projects).

3. Buried information

The buried information consists of two parts: "Buried information home page" and "Error details page".

Buried information home page


Error details page:


3.1. Buried Information Home Page

The buried information supports viewing the last 7 days of data received in the project.

The home page of buried information consists of query settings, interval data, and data details area.


3.1.1 Query Setting

Query time filter: The query time refers to the time of data reception. Support custom view of the last 7 days of any time period of data reception, the default statistics of today's data.

Property name, display name search: filter the display of property names and display names according to keywords.


3.1.2 Interval Data

Displays the number of received, entered, incorrectly entered, and failed entries for all data in the filtered time period.


3.1.3 Data Details

Data name: the name of the data reported by the event burial point is "event name"; the name of the data reported by the burial point that sets user attributes is "user attributes"; the data that cannot be identified as the above two categories is "unknown data".

display name: the display name corresponding to the name of the data.

Received: the data received by the system.

Entered: includes correctly entered and incorrectly entered data.

Incorrectly entered: includes data with wrong attribute level such as illegal event attribute name, illegal attribute type, etc. This kind of data can be entered normally and the wrong attribute is set to empty.

Failed entry: data that cannot be entered due to illegal data format or illegal data name.

Error details: Click to enter the error details page to see the error details displayed according to the error reason.


3.2 Error Details Page

The data detail page displays the error entry and entry failure data under each "Event or User" property, and the error information is displayed according to the error cause.

The error details page consists of query settings, interval data, and data details area.


3.2.1 Data details

Number of error items: the number of data items containing the cause of the error.

Error Type, Processing Result: The error type and the processing result of TapDB, so that users can filter the specific error cause.

View Sample: View the details of the reported data that match the cause of the error, and each reported data can be formatted and copied with one click.


3.2.2 Calculation Principle of Error Count

Calculation principle of error count

The "error count" is the result of counting the reported data that triggered the error cause, while the "error cause" in buried management occurs at the "attribute" level.

When only one log of an event is reported, and the property name of field 1 is not legal and the property type of field 2 is not legal, the log will trigger two error reasons at the same time, and the number of error entries will be counted under the two types of error reasons, so the sum of the number of error entries in the data details summary may be greater than the number of error logs.

4. Report Details

The report details show the last 1000 logs reported during the period when the "monitoring switch" was turned on, and the processing results of their entry.


When "monitoring switch" is on, the buried logs received by the system will be displayed in the reporting details in real time, and when it is on for 1 hour, it will be automatically turned off and no more data will be displayed in real time, and any time the switch is turned on again will reset the 1-hour time progress. It is recommended to manually turn on the "monitoring switch" before testing and acceptance of buried development.

Click the Refresh button to refresh the page for the latest data.

Each line of reported log details can be formatted for viewing and copying.

5. Using Buried Point Management

5.1 Find the buried point error in time

Use the buried point information page to keep track of the overall operation of the buried point, and when there is unknown data, or some data is incorrectly entered or failed to be entered, you can locate the error in the error details page to prevent data assets from being lost.

5.2. Use the report log to test and accept the buried point requirements

After the buried developers finish the development, the designers can simulate the user's various clicking behaviors in the game, and then check the real-time reporting logs in the "Reporting Log" to check whether the reporting timing and log details are consistent with the buried design plan, so as to test and accept the buried requirements.