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Cloud Save Guide

Before continuing, make sure you have read Cloud Save Introduction to learn about the basic concepts and features of Cloud Save.


Please complete the following steps before using Cloud Save:

  1. Add your domains, including API domains and file domains, on the Developer Center.

  2. Enable TDS Authentication since the checkpoints will be associated with TDSUsers. Make sure you have completed project configuration, SDK initialization, and the implementation of TDS Authentication.

Creating Checkpoints

The SDK will automatically get the information of the currently logged-in player (TDSUser) and associate it with the checkpoint. Therefore, a user can only create a checkpoint if they are logged in.

var gameSave = new TapGameSave
Name = "internal name",
Summary = "description",
ModifiedAt = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime(),
PlayedTime = 60000L, // ms
ProgressValue = 100,
CoverFilePath = image_local_path, // jpg/png
GameFilePath = dll_local_path
await gameSave.Save();

See Metadata to learn more about the fields of metadata appearing in the example above. When you save a checkpoint, the SDK will ensure that only the current user can read and write into the checkpoint as well as the associated file and the cover image.

Retrieving Checkpoints

The most common scenario is to retrieve all the checkpoints belonging to the current player:

var collection = await TapGameSave.GetCurrentUserGameSaves();

foreach(var gameSave in collection){
var summary = gameSave.Summary;
var modifiedAt = gameSave.ModifiedAt;
var playedTime = gameSave.PlayedTime;
var progressValue = gameSave.ProgressValue;
var coverFile = gameSave.Cover;
var gameFile = gameSave.GameFile;
var gameFileUrl = gameFile.Url;

gameFile.Url is the URL of the file stored on the cloud. The extension of the downloaded file will be the same as that of the uploaded file.

You can also retrieve checkpoints that meet certain criteria. For example, to retrieve all the current player’s checkpoints with progress larger than 3:

TDSUser user = await TDSUser.GetCurrent();
LCQuery<TapGameSave> gameSaveQuery = TapGameSave.GetQueryWithUser(user);
gameSaveQuery.WhereGreaterThan("progressValue", 3);
var collections = await gameSaveQuery.Find();

See Data Storage Guide for how to add constraints to queries.

Notice that if none of the players of your game have ever created a checkpoint, you will get an error when retrieving checkpoints that says Class or object doesn't exists.. This is because the table (class) for storing checkpoint objects in our database only gets created when the first checkpoint object gets created.

Deleting Checkpoints

A player can only delete their own checkpoints.

To delete a checkpoint:

await gameSave.Delete();

When a checkpoint gets deleted, the associated cover image and the original file will also be deleted.


Below are the REST API interfaces available for Cloud Save. You can write your own programs to access these interfaces and perform administrative operations on the server side.

Request Format

For POST and PUT requests, the request body must be in JSON and the Content-Type of the HTTP Header must be application/json.

Requests are authenticated by the key-value pairs in the HTTP Header shown in the following table:

X-LC-Id{{appid}}The App Id (Client Id) of the current appCan be found on the Developer Center
X-LC-Key{{appkey}}The App Key (Client Token) of the current appCan be found on the Developer Center
X-LC-Session<sessionToken>The player’s credential for logging in

The Master Key is required for you to access the administration interface. Use X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master to have the server treat the given key as a master key. Master Key is also called Server Secret, which can be found on the Developer Center. When accessing the administration interface, sessionToken can be omitted.

See Credentials for more details.

The cloud imposes restrictions on each checkpoint so that it can only be accessed by the player who created it. Therefore, when accessing the REST API, you have to either include a player’s sessionToken in the X-LC-Session HTTP header or use the Master Key, otherwise the request will fail due to a lack of permission.

Base URL

The Base URL for REST API requests (the {{host}} in the curl examples) is the custom API domain of your app. You can update or find it on the Developer Center. See Domain for more details.


Retrieve a checkpointGET/gamesaves/:idRetrieve a checkpoint by its ID.
Retrieve checkpointsGET/gamesavesRetrieve checkpoints that meet certain criteria.
Add a checkpointPOST/gamesavesAdd a new checkpoint.
Update a checkpointPUT/gamesaves/:idUpdate a checkpoint by its ID.
Delete a checkpointDELETE/gamesaves/:idDelete a checkpoint by its ID.

Retrieving a Checkpoint

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{appkey}}" \
-H "X-LC-Session: <sessionToken>" \


"updatedAt": "2021-08-16T09:18:30.093Z",
"progressValue": 123,
"name": "dennis",
"objectId": "611a2d65bcf94a3222b6d5f3",
"createdAt": "2021-08-16T09:18:29.761Z",
"gameFile": {
"__type": "Pointer",
"className": "_File",
"objectId": "60d1af149be3180684000002"
"summary": "hello",
"modifiedAt": {
"__type": "Date",
"iso": "2015-06-21T18:02:52.249Z"
"user": {
"__type": "Pointer",
"className": "_User",
"objectId": "5b62c15a9f54540062427acc"

See Metadata to learn more about the fields of metadata.

Retrieving Checkpoints

Use where to specify the criteria:

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{appkey}}" \
-H "X-LC-Session: <sessionToken>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-G \
--data-urlencode 'where={"progressValue":123}' \


"results": [
"updatedAt": "2021-08-16T09:30:20.643Z",
"name": "dennis",
"createdAt": "2021-08-16T09:30:20.643Z",
"gameFile": {
"__type": "Pointer",
"className": "_File",
"objectId": "60d1af149be3180684000002"
"summary": "hello",
"modifiedAt": {
"__type": "Date",
"iso": "2015-06-21T18:02:52.249Z"
"objectId": "611a302cbcf94a3222b6d687"

See Data Storage REST API for more details about the usage of where.

Adding a Checkpoint

See Metadata to learn more about the required and optional fields of metadata.

Before accessing this interface, please first create the files referenced by the gameFile and cover fields of the checkpoint. Make sure the ACLs of the files are set to be accessible by the current user only.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{appkey}}" \
-H "X-LC-Session: <sessionToken>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"gameFile":{"id":"55a39634e4b0ed48f0c1845c", "__type":"File"},
"cover":{"id": "543cbaede4b07db196f50f3c", "__type": "File"},
"modifiedAt":{"__type":"Date", "iso":"2015-06-21T18:02:52.249Z"}
}' \

If the operation succeeded, the objectId and creation time of the checkpoint will be returned:

{"objectId":"611a3407bcf94a3222b6d789", "createdAt":"2021-08-16T09:46:47.290Z"}

If the operation failed, there will be an error, like:

  • gameFile is required.: The required field gameFile is not provided.
  • Forbidden to add new fields by class '_GameSave' permissions.: Custom fields are included in the request, which is not allowed yet.

Deleting a Checkpoint

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{appkey}}" \
-H "X-LC-Session: <sessionToken>" \



You can add a where condition when deleting a checkpoint so you won’t accidentally delete the wrong checkpoints. See Conditional Deletions.

When a checkpoint gets deleted, the associated cover image and the original file will also be deleted.

Updating a Checkpoint

curl -X PUT \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{appkey}}" \
-H "X-LC-Session: <sessionToken>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"progressValue": 114514}' \

If the operation succeeded, the objectId and creation time of the checkpoint will be returned:

"updatedAt": "2021-08-16T09:49:49.579Z",
"objectId": "611a34bdbcf94a3222b6d7af"

If the operation failed, there will be an error:

  • Forbidden to add new fields by class '_GameSave' permissions.: Custom fields are included in the request, which is not allowed yet.

Notice that if you update the cover image or the original file of a checkpoint, the old files used as them will not be automatically deleted. You will need to manually delete them. Therefore, we recommend that you update a checkpoint by deleting and recreating it instead of directly updating it. The interface for updating checkpoints is mainly used to serve administrative scenarios.